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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Lather's Blather Episode #10: An Explosion in a PiƱata Factory

Okay, no fooling--the Flash Gordon review is here.

For serious. Temporary direct download is here. I will be announcing new hosting shortly.

Prepare yourself for:





Little people in metalflake pillowcases.

My primo homey Klytus with Deep Roy as Fellini. Yes, as in Frederico Felini.

Awesome cigar-shaped spaceships.

Glazed nose in full effect.

Brian Blessed

Brian Blessed

Brian Blessed

Brian Blessed

...oh, and Timothy Dalton too.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Lather's Blather Episode #10: You Wouldn't Get This from Any Other Guy

The hour is late and the flesh is weak. Suffice it to say that I will be back later this day to expand on this skeletal of notices for what is bound to be a very talked-about episode of the podcast.

Direct download is here, and I promise that these direct download links are going to change fairly soon.

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