Discussion on anime, science-fiction movies and television, plus other elements of High Geek Culture, as dispensed by an ornery 39-year-old fanboy veteran.
This is the show that's a slave to no one, although we're willing to do some chores for many of them.
I've done my best to meet the self-imposed deadline of two weeks. I think this is what I'll strive for in future, given the way real life goes for me.
Gcast was fooling around with me earlier, but I now have a working direct download. It's also up for streaming via the Gcast box on the right-hand side, and I know it's available on iTunes.
However, I'm told that the file that's on the RSS feed doesn't have an MP3 extension, but rest assured it is an MP3. If anyone has trouble getting it to work, let me know and I'll throw another one at Gcast's head.
There's an entire second disc to this particular release that I didn't even bother looking at for the show. I suppose if there's interest I can make something quickly for a segment on the next show, or as a stand-alone mini-episode. What do you think, listeners?
Porco's hideaway island in the Adriatic Sea.
Our hero. Oh dear... um...
Our hero!
Donald Curtis, future movie star and presidential hopeful.
The Hotel Adriano. See what I mean about the backgrounds?
Holy crap, it's Carl Horn!
The elegant Madame Gina.
The ever-resourceful Fio.
Fio at the drafting table.
Studio Ghibli's attention to detail.
No, seriously--attention to detail!
The boss of the Mamma Auitto gang.
Look very closely at the valve cover on this engine.
Testing out the new engine.
This one goes to eleven!
Porco's Savoia S.21 and Curtis' Curtiss R3C-0.
A real Savoia S.21
Porco's plane is more like this Macchi M.33
A real Curtiss RC3-2, as piloted by Jimmy Doolittle.
I knew there was a good reason why I gave myself two weeks to get the next episode finished. As things turn out, a Civil War event I'm attending is this weekend, and not next weekend as I'd thought up until very recently.
It's the first time I'll be acting as Sergeant Major for the organization with whom I reenact. It's basically an umbrella organization that allows several much smaller "regiments" from across Ohio to reenact together under the same flag and command structure as opposed to being flung across the battlefield, plugged into any number of different brigades under officers of varying quality.
But this must be terribly boring and little more than a big excuse as to why I didn't put nose to grindstone and crank out episode 2 by the end of the weekend. It's obviously because I'll be nowhere near a computer for the duration.
It's also a way to say thanks for the support and feedback episode 1 had received thus far, and it's a kick to see the different countries, states and cities represented in my stats. Not to mention the subscribers. Lordy lord lord, I've got subscribers. Now I have to keep you folks happy.
It's up! It's up! The subscription feeds to your favorite podcatcher ought to be working; I know it's already available on iTunes
You can also get it via stream in the boxity-box to your right, and by direct download.
00:01 - 05:52 Hey, it's an introduction segment! Here I thank all of the podcasts who've given this little corner of the Intarweb their support--all of them are located in the Legion of Super Podcasts on the right-hand side.
I then spend far too much time rambling about past glories and what got me crazy enough to try producing a show of my own. Jigoku No Video doesn't have its own page, unless you count the go-nowhere-do-nothing one that's little more than a placeholder on a crappy old Geocities account. Corn Pone Flicks has had a site for several years, and it's pretty darn good. I find that as time goes on JNV is increasingly associated as a part of CPF, but I really don't mind that. At least people still remember the crap I did nearly 20 years ago. But if you're interested in anime music videos, that I can still help you with.
This will be the feedback segment once I actually get some to use. Having a second episode is also an important part of the equation. Yeah.
05:55 - 12:05 My lame attempt at a news segment, which is devoid of anything important. Everyone else gives you breaking news about Gainax producers getting canned from their shows and the latest in bonehead business practices from Bandai Visual. Me? I give you fakery and white trash.
12:05 - 28:44 Ah, the meat of the program. I give you Westworld!
This is what I meant about the Gunslinger being the iconic figure of the film.
John Blane (James Brolin) and Peter Martin (Richard Benjamin) discuss the finer points of gunplay.
Dick Van Patten from out of nowhere!
Yul Brynner's Gunslinger, looking far cooler than I can ever aspire to be.
Crimes against fashion run amok in Medieval World.
"Aye, varlet! I am the evil Black Kni--hey, stop laughing."
I also wanted to point out that I didn't bother saying anything about the sequel to this film. It's called Futureworld and was released in 1976 and featured none of the principal players nor did Michael Crichton return. Yul Brynner did reprise his role as the Gunslinger in a wholly unnecessary and pointless cameo. What's sad is that this was his last movie role.
Long story short, Futureworld is the story of a pair of investigative reporters snooping noisily around the recently reopened Delos resort where they uncover a plot to replace influential guests with robot doubles. There. Now you don't need to see it.
28:44 - 31:55 Promos for Destroy All Podcasts DX, Anime World Order, and Fast Karate for the Gentleman. I'll spread them throughout the show more evenly next time.
31:55- 32:36 Wrap-up and goodbye for this episode. The requisite groveling for feedback occurs. Next time around, I take a look at Hayao Miyazaki's paean to seaplanes and the Adriatic Sea: Porco Rosso.
As evidenced by the GCast box to the right, the first promo for the show has been uploaded! Runtime is 1:06.
It's late and I don't feel like tackling XML or sending to places like iTunes, Digg, or other podcast subscription sites. Soon, but not right at this very moment.
Being so new to this side of things, I'm just happy to get something up here that isn't just a string of "coming soon" posts.
No, still no promo recorded yet although I do have most of it written out. I'm trying to keep it close to 30 seconds and also make it music-free so even the most discriminating podcast host won't worry about potential copyright issues. I've also got the first major review for episode 1 written, the music bits selected and the intro clips edited together. Also took screenshots and sound clips from the subject of the first review. Now I just need to record it and put it to MP3.
I'm going to have to restructure the way I manage my free time, becuase I really don't have any... 7am-3:30pm Monday-Friday is work, and tack on about 40 minutes each way for the commute. Anytime after 6pm is taken up with making dinner and going with the wife out to the horse barn to work with the two horses we're leasing. Yeah, leasing--all the fun of being able to play with the horses whenever we choose without all the "hassles" of vet and farrier bills, feed bills, and other assorted expenses. Heck, we could even leave all of the stall cleaning duties to the owners if we so chose, but we're not the type to do that. But I digress. Boy do I digress.
In short, the sweet spot for any regular time to work on the podcast is between 4:30pm and 5:30pm, provided there's no other housework or yard work that takes precedence.